efek kurang tidur

 Lack of sleep should not be underestimated. The domino effect of sleep deprivation could be of cause difficulty concentrating, tired, easy emotion other effects of sleep deprivation such as an increased risk of heart attacks and diabetes may be much more deadly. Especially for men, the effects of sleep deprivation can give a more serious effect that is difficult to get a mate.

however not be underestimated, it is hard to match can also trigger depression and in many cases can lead to suicidal tendencies. The facts revealed by a study at Stockholm University. The study, led by John Axelsson, PhD involves 25 adult males were categorized as healthy.

patterns study conducted on men who became paritisipan photographed in this study as much as 2 times. The first decision made ​​after a night's sleep for 7-8 hours while the next photo shoot done after only 4 hours of sleep during the night.

photographs are then shown the 40 adult women who have never known the participants beforehand. These women once a jury that will judge any photos that looked interesting and which are not attractive.

result as predicted, the sleepy faces of men who had previously only slept for 4 hours in the category most unattractive. Most or almost all of the photos in the category is interesting photographs taken after 7-8 hours of sleep.

"One factor is, people who drowsiness or fatigue will not look attractive. And because interest is the initial trigger of sexual behavior, then women tend to steer clear of them are sleepy, "said Dr. Axelsson as quoted from Menshealth.com, Thursday

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