tips mainan yang mencerdaskan anak

TOY TIPS THAT educate children

4 TIPS FOR CHOOSING THE TOY educate children

More child-oriented activities in the game, they will continue to play and play because it is his world, the world of the game. World it would be the perfect child if the type of games played increases the intelligence of the brain. While playing while learning. Many of these toys are available today, but we should be able to choose the best among the good. Here are  tips on choosing a child's game  :

Development Phase

Consider the stages of child development, well age, emotions and physical. Select the type of toys that are appropriate for her age.

When mamasuki children 6 months of age, he prefers toys that emit sounds and colorful. Give toys that mempuyai variations in children ranging in age from 9 months upwards. Select toys are also made of plastic that can be taken when bathing children.


Select the contrast and bright-colored toys to help improve visual sensory stimulation.


Note the toy safety, make sure all within reach of your child to avoid injury while playing, this is important because it can make children become traumatized to novelty.


Note the kinds of toys, must not buy the expensive, adjust to the child's ability. Or can you to back yourself because basically children need stimulation to stimulate creativity.

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