HOME SOCIAL CULTURE Nyepi 2018: Mosques in Jepara Do Not Use Speakers When Azan

HOME SOCIAL CULTURE Nyepi 2018: Mosques in Jepara Do Not Use Speakers When Azan residents remain patrolled to maintain security during Nyepi Mosques in Plajan Jepara will not use loudspeakers during the azan to honor Hindus who celebrate Nyepi. tirto.id - Coming to Nyepi Day that falls on Saturday (17/3/2018), Hindus run Mecaru or Tawur Agung celebrations on Friday (16/3/2018). In honor of Hindus, mosques in Plajan Village, Jepara, Central Java, do not use loudspeakers in the call to prayer. Kemadi, marbut Masjid At Taqwa Village Plajan Jepara, claimed not to use loudspeakers in order not to disrupt the implementation of Nyepi. According to him, mosques in Plajan will not use loudspeakers until Sunday morning (18/3/2018). In addition, the whole community is also urged to keep the situation of the region remain conducive and does not appear rowdy sounds, including not turn on the sound of music or menggeber motor vehicle.
Hindus, he continued, when Muslims held the celebration of Lebaran also pay homage by keeping the place of worship. Previously, he said, the apparatus of Plajan Village also gave an appeal to honor Hari Raya Nyep. "Residents are also kept patrolling to keep security during Nyepi," he said. Respect against Hindus, he added, not only in At Taqwa Mosque which happened to be adjacent to Puser Earth Temple, but also mosque and other mosque in Plajan Village also do the same thing. Number of places of worship in the village of Plajan, covering 14 mosques, 40 musala, 4 temples, and 1 church. While the number of Muslims around 7,515 people, Hindus as many as 435 people, Christian as many as 55 people, and Buddha 4 people. The implementation of Mecaru starts from Friday at 09.00 am which is centered at Pura Puser Bumi and attended by Hindus from various regions in Jepara. Chairman of the local Mecaru committee, Ngarbiyanto, revealed participants mecaru ceremony of about 500 Hindus in the district of Jepara. The purpose of Mecaru, namely to clean up and prepare yourself ahead of Nyepi Celebration. The ritual performed, ie cleaning the great buana and buana alit or as a symbol clean the universe and the self of the congregation as human beings.

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