how to cure strep throat

Treating Strep Throat Sore throat both light and heavy course can interfere with daily activities, especially in children, usually they tend to fuss when exposed to this disease. Therefore Treating strep tenggorokandipandang very necessary, but perhaps there are still many who do not know how powerful this in treating strep throat. In treating inflammation tenggorokanyang must be considered is what causes strep throat itself. Because the cause of all sorts will surely get treatment steps are different because they have adapted to the cause. read more tentangPenyebab laryngitis , The purpose of this treatment is to combat strep throat causes, alleviate or eliminate the symptoms (see: Symptoms of Sore Throat ), Prevent complications, and prevent inflammation not relapse again. Well, this was the fourth major points that will be discussed one by one in order to treat strep throat. Combating causes of Laryngitis. The commonest causes strep throat is a viral infection, but there is no antiviral drugs used to mebunuh virus of this type because it is not needed. To combat it is entrusted only to the immune system and treat the symptoms. Another case when the cause of strep throat is a bacterial infection, it will take an appropriate antibiotic. To use the antibiotic prescription is required, meaning that a doctor should first check. For other causes such as allergies, irritation, then it should avoid the food or causing substances. If you memgalami pharyngitis by the virus, the symptoms will disappear gradually over about a week. If you have inflammation of the throat caused by bacterial infection, the symptoms will subside within two to three days after starting antibiotics. Lighten or Eliminate Symptoms of Laryngitis. To relieve symptoms of sore throat and increase body resistance to fight infections, it is necessary:   * Plenty of rest (sleep enough, less physical activity, avoid tired)   * If hoarseness, reduce talk let alone scream.   * Drinking warm liquids (tea or broth)   * Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration   * Gargling with warm salt water to relieve sore throat. More details please see: Traditional Medicine Sore Throat (natural)   * Take a pain reliever and fever medication for example ibuprofen , Acetaminophen (paracetamol ) atauaspirin (Adults only). these drugs are sold freely without a prescription, then please note the dose and contraindications. Read also: Sore Throat Home-Based Drugs that Manjur These methods will help alleviate the discomfort and speed healing. Preventing Complications of Laryngitis. Treating strep throat caused by bacteria streptococcussecara completely can prevent complications. Because strep throat this kind, if not treated appropriately would potentially cause complications such as rheumatic heart disease and kidney disease, acute glomerulonephritis (GNA). To treat this inflammation is required antibiotics, including penicillin / amoxicillin for 10 days, the other alternative erythromycin, azithromycin. When taking antibiotics should be in accordance with the doctor's advice should be spent even before one runs out you're feeling better. More details please read: Right Antibiotics for Sore Throat Prevent Sore Throat: so as not relapse again. To prevent strep throat do any of the following:   * Wash hands with soap and running water thoroughly and often, especially after using the toilet, before eating and after sneezing or coughing.   * Avoid sharing food, drinking glasses or other equipment to the patient.   * Cough or sneeze into a tissue and then throw it away. If you do not have a tissue, sneeze into your armpit.   * Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer as an alternative to hand washing when soap and water are not available, for example on the way.   * Using a mask if dusty environments or when cleaning the house.   * Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke, and quit smoking lah if you are a smoker. A few, powerful way to treat strep throat may be useful for loyal readers or are still having difficulty please comment or consultation.

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