google's pixel phone

*Google's Pixel Phone Is Very Good, But Very Expensive* "Google's Pixel line of products was hotly anticipated, and expectations have more or less been met, but there are caveats."
While Google had had its Nexus line of phones long before Microsoft released its Surface tablets, the phones were less Google's phones and more the phones of the ma
nufacturers that were given Google's blessing. Obviously, this had benefits. Nexus phones were always first in line for updates, and they were often much cheaper than other phones. The business purpose of the phones was to encourage stability in the Android ecosystem and get Android into more hands. But since Google never wanted to upset its OEMs, they never did all they could with the concept. Then Surface happened. Microsoft had been in a similar place for many years. They "knew" that their Windows OEM builders were producing garbage. No sane human could look at a Dude You're Getting a Dell and one of the first flat screen iMacs and not see a glaring disparity between what was happening. While Dell, HP, and Lenovo started to increase their quality, their well-designed products had a habit of seeming like a hobby and less like a real business direction. Long before Razer or Surface, Dell released Adamo and HP bought Voodoo. They put out some "awesome"hardware. They were innovative and beautifully built. The HP Blackbird was incredible. It looked like something that belonged on a Klingon bird of prey. The first Omen laptop was an ultrabook years before anyone else. And yet they all died on the vine. They never went anywhere with it. Then surface happened. To be fair, the OEMs had been making changed for some time. Quality "had" been increasing. But taking the fight to an Apple level, every year, year in and year out, was something Microsoft did. The first Surface sold poorly. But they *kept at it*. That’s what the others didn’t do. They dropped things like hot potatoes. They seemed to think that since Apple had a following, all they had to do was release one cool thing, and BOOM: a following. This was stupid then, and it’s even stupider in hind sight. Microsoft has spent years and still hasn’t built a huge following. But it still already has the biggest following in the Wintel world! So with that massive circumlocution, I come to the Pixel. Google finally realized what Microsoft realized. You can’t lob your work into a chaotic market dominated by incompetent companies and think things will go well. It works for massive market penetration, as evidenced by Android’s popularity, but it does little to foster stability, quality, or unification, as evidenced by Android’s insane fragmentation and mountains of garbage phones. So how is the Pixel? I’d say it’s a bigger success than the first Surface was. That product was crippled by Windows 8 and hardware that wasn’t "quite" there. The Pixel’s software is Android’s latest and greatest, and the hardware has been there for years. Google did everything Microsoft did my ensuring synergy in design. Unfortunately, Google has also done what Microsoft did not do, but other OEMs who took a shot at “premium” products did do: they price it at a premium. Now hold up, you might be thinking. Surface wasn’t cheap. And it wasn’t. But every, single other comparable product on the market was similarly priced. The only conceit was that Microsoft sold the keyboard cover separately. But other than that, Surface was right with the rest of the peloton. The Pixel is different. We have rapidly reached a point where phones from Xiaomi, Oneplus, Huawei, Oppo, and Lenovo are both cheaper and just as good as other Android phones. I can’t count the number of reviews that repeated the belief that the only phone worth its premium is the iPhone, and the Pixel doesn’t change that. It may be the most well-planned Android phone, but it’s still an Android phone. It needs more than just Google’s support. It needs almost extreme uniqueness. And it doesn’t have that. The Pixel is the best phone on the market not worth buying. Which is oddly better than what we had before. #android  #google  #iphone  #surface #microsoft  #apple Terjemahkan Google Pixel review: Bland, pricey, but still the best Android

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