apakah semartphone menjauhkan anda dari kehidupan nyata....?

Recent studies show 72% org always meletakkanponselnya within no more than 5 feet during running daily activities. So whether you are aware of having missed momen2 important in our lives ...? Being too busy with smartphones (chat, monitor timelines, instagram, and so on.) A short film titled "i forgot my phone" shows that charlene DeGuzman, comedian and actress who initiated the film says that the public obsession with the telephone has made her sad. Vodeo youtube "i forgot phone" at the time of this writing has been on the watch for 20 million times. diverse commentary to accompany the video most people do not deny the existence of insanity masyarakayt on digital devices. Various scenes show DeGuzman - who plays himself in the film was ignored by his busy theme by phone at lunch. Also the scene at a concert where people would rather watch than the record straight and enjoy the band's performance. That might be too far, there is a segment in which a person who is applying for his girlfriend on the beach, is busy recording the procession, which will open it live moment changed her life. While deguz man became a viral video, and debate about addiction semartphone intetnet burst. At least one hospital in bradford regional medical as shrunken in bradford, pennsylvania-has offered a voluntary inpatient program for Internet addiction orang2. addiction expert hospital will treat patients in a behavioral health center. DeGuzman did not ask us to throw away the gadgets, but he just asked us to benar2 realize our addiction to gadgets. desire is always to document and share digitally activity at any time is a sad thing.

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